This lecture redefined a regular Hopfield net as a **stochastic** system: Boltzmann machines. And talked about the training, sampling issues of Boltzmann machines model, introduced *Restricted* Boltzmann Machines, which is a common used model in practice.

The Hopfield net as a distribution

The Helmholtz Free Energy of a System

  • At any time, the probability of finding the system in state ss at temperature TT is PT(s)P_T(s)

  • At each state it has a potential energy EsE_s

  • The internal energy of the system, representing its capacity to do work, is the average

    • UT=SPT(s)ES U_{T}=\sum_{S} P_{T}(s) E_{S}
  • The capacity to do work is counteracted by the internal disorder of the system, i.e. its entropy

    • HT=SPT(s)logPT(s) H_{T}=-\sum_{S} P_{T}(s) \log P_{T}(s)
  • The Helmholtz free energy of the system measures the useful work derivable from it and combines the two terms

    • FT=UT+kTHT F_{T}=U_{T}+k T H_{T}
    • =SPT(s)ESkTSPT(s)logPT(s) =\sum_{S} P_{T}(s) E_{S}-k T \sum_{S} P_{T}(s) \log P_{T}(s)
  • The probability distribution of the states at steady state is known as the Boltzmann distribution

    • Minimizing this w.r.t PT(s)P_T(s), we get

    • PT(s)=1Zexp(ESkT) P_{T}(s)=\frac{1}{Z} \exp \left(\frac{-E_{S}}{k T}\right)

    • ZZ is a normalizing constant

Hopfield net as a distribution

  • E(S)=i<jwijsisjbisiE(S)=-\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}-b_{i} s_{i}
  • P(S)=exp(E(S))Sexp(E(S))P(S)=\frac{\exp (-E(S))}{\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(-E\left(S^{\prime}\right)\right)}
  • The stochastic Hopfield network models a probability distribution over states
  • It is a generative model: generates states according to P(S)P(S)

The field at a single node

  • Let's take one node as example

  • Let SS and SS^\prime be the states with the +1 and -1 states

    • P(S)=P(si=1sji)P(sji)P(S)=P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right) P\left(s_{j \neq i}\right)
    • P(S)=P(si=1sji)P(sji)P\left(S^{\prime}\right)=P\left(s_{i}=-1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right) P\left(s_{j \neq i}\right)
    • logP(S)logP(S)=logP(si=1sji)logP(si=1sji)\log P(S)-\log P\left(S^{\prime}\right)=\log P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)-\log P\left(s_{i}=-1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)
    • logP(S)logP(S)=logP(si=1sji)1P(si=1sji)\log P(S)-\log P\left(S^{\prime}\right)=\log \frac{P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)}{1-P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)}
  • logP(S)=E(S)+C\log P(S)=-E(S)+C

    • E(S)=12(Enot i+jiwijsj+bi)E(S)=-\frac{1}{2}\left(E_{\text {not } i}+\sum_{j \neq i} w_{i j} s_{j}+b_{i}\right)
    • E(S)=12(Enot ijiwijsjbi)E\left(S^{\prime}\right)=-\frac{1}{2}\left(E_{\text {not } i}-\sum_{j \neq i} w_{i j} s_{j}-b_{i}\right)
  • logP(S)logP(S)=E(S)E(S)=jiwijSj+bi\log P(S)-\log P\left(S^{\prime}\right)=E\left(S^{\prime}\right)-E(S)=\sum_{j \neq i} w_{i j} S_{j}+b_{i}

    • log(P(si=1sji)1P(si=1sji))=jiwijsj+bi\log \left(\frac{P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)}{1-P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)}\right)=\sum_{j \neq i} w_{i j} s_{j}+b_{i}

    • P(si=1sji)=11+e(jiwijsj+bi)P\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\left(\sum_{j \neq i} w_{i j} s_{j}+b_{i}\right)}}

  • The probability of any node taking value 1 given other node values is a logistic

Redefining the network

  • Redefine a regular Hopfield net as a stochastic system
  • Each neuron is now a stochastic unit with a binary state sis_i, which can take value 0 or 1 with a probability that depends on the local field
    • zi=jwijsj+biz_{i}=\sum_{j} w_{i j} s_{j}+b_{i}
    • P(si=1sji)=11+eziP\left(s_{i}=1 \mid s_{j \neq i}\right)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z_{i}}}
  • Note
    • The Hopfield net is a probability distribution over binary sequences (Boltzmann distribution)
    • The conditional distribution of individual bits in the sequence is a logistic
  • The evolution of the Hopfield net can be made stochastic
    • Instead of deterministically responding to the sign of the local field, each neuron responds probabilistically
  • Recall patterns

The Boltzmann Machine

  • The entire model can be viewed as a generative model
  • Has a probability of producing any binary vector yy
    • E(y)=12yTWyE(\mathbf{y})=-\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{y}^{T} \mathbf{W} \mathbf{y}
    • P(y)=Cexp(E(y)T)P(\mathbf{y})=\operatorname{Cexp}\left(-\frac{E(\mathbf{y})}{T}\right)
  • Training a Hopfield net: Must learn weights to “remember” target states and “dislike” other states
    • Must learn weights to assign a desired probability distribution to states
    • Just maximize likelihood

Maximum Likelihood Training

  • log(P(S))=(i<jwijsisj)log(Sexp(i<jwijsisj))\log (P(S))=\left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}\right)-\log \left(\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)\right)
  • L=1NSSlog(P(S))=1NS(i<jwijsisj)log(Sexp(i<jwijsisj))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{S \in \mathbf{S}} \log (P(S)) =\frac{1}{N} \sum_{S}\left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}\right)-\log \left(\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)\right)
  • Second term derivation

    • dlog(Sexp(i<jwijsisj))dwij=Sexp(i<jwijsisj)Sexp(i<jwijsisj)sisj\frac{d \log \left(\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)\right)}{d w_{i j}}=\sum_{S^{\prime}} \frac{\exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)}{\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime \prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}
    • dlog(Sexp(i<jwijsisj))dwij=SP(S)sisj\frac{d \log \left(\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)\right)}{d w_{i j}}=\sum_{S_{\prime}} P\left(S^{\prime}\right) s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}
    • The second term is simply the expected value of siSjs_iS_j, over all possible values of the state
    • We cannot compute it exhaustively, but we can compute it by sampling!
  • Overall gradient ascent rule
    • wij=wij+ηdlog(P(S))dwijw_{i j}=w_{i j}+\eta \frac{d\langle\log (P(\mathbf{S}))\rangle}{d w_{i j}}
  • Overall Training
    • Initialize weights
    • Let the network run to obtain simulated state samples
    • Compute gradient and update weights
    • Iterate
  • Note the similarity to the update rule for the Hopfield network
    • The only difference is how we got the samples

Adding Capacity

  • Visible neurons

    • The neurons that store the actual patterns of interest
  • Hidden neurons

    • The neurons that only serve to increase the capacity but whose actual values are not important
  • We could have multiple hidden patterns coupled with any visible pattern

    • These would be multiple stored patterns that all give the same visible output
  • We are interested in the marginal probabilities over visible bits

    • S=(V,H)S=(V,H)
    • P(S)=exp(E(S))Sexp(E(S))P(S)=\frac{\exp (-E(S))}{\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(-E\left(S^{\prime}\right)\right)}
    • P(S)=P(V,H)P(S) = P(V,H)
    • P(V)=HP(S)P(V)=\sum_{H} P(S)
  • Train to maximize probability of desired patterns of visible bits

    • E(S)=i<jwijsisjE(S)=-\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}
    • P(S)=exp(i<jwijsisj)Sexp(i<jwijsisj)P(S)=\frac{\exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}\right)}{\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)}
    • P(V)=Hexp(i<jwijsisj)Sexp(i<jwijsisj)P(V)=\sum_{H} \frac{\exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}\right)}{\sum_{S^{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)}
  • Maximum Likelihood Training

    log(P(V))=log(Hexp(i<jwijsisj))log(Sexp(i<jwijsisj))\log (P(V))=\log \left(\sum_{H} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i} s_{j}\right)\right)-\log \left(\sum_{S_{\prime}} \exp \left(\sum_{i<j} w_{i j} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}\right)\right)

    L=1NVVlog(P(V))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{V \in \mathbf{V}} \log (P(V)) dLdwij=1NVVHP(SV)sisjS!P(S)sisj \frac{d \mathcal{L}}{d w_{i j}}=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{V \in \mathbf{V}} \sum_{H} P(S \mid V) s_{i} s_{j}-\sum_{S !} P\left(S^{\prime}\right) s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}

  • HP(SV)sisj1KHHsimulsiSj\sum_{H} P(S \mid V) s_{i} s_{j} \approx \frac{1}{K} \sum_{H \in \mathbf{H}_{s i m u l}} s_{i} S_{j}

  • Computed as the average sampled hidden state with the visible bits fixed

  • SP(S)sisj1MSiSsimulsiSj\sum_{S^{\prime}} P\left(S^{\prime}\right) s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime} \approx \frac{1}{M} \sum_{S_{i} \in \mathbf{S}_{s i m u l}} s_{i}^{\prime} S_{j}^{\prime}

    • Computed as the average of sampled states when the network is running “freely



  • For each training pattern ViV_i
    • Fix the visible units to ViV_i
    • Let the hidden neurons evolve from a random initial point to generate HiH_i
    • Generate Si=[Vi,Hi]S_i = [V_i,H_i]
  • Repeat K times to generate synthetic training

S={S1,1,S1,2,,S1K,S2,1,,SN,K} \mathbf{S}=\{S_{1,1}, S_{1,2}, \ldots, S_{1 K}, S_{2,1}, \ldots, S_{N, K}\}


  • Now unclamp the visible units and let the entire network evolve several times to generate

Ssimul=S_simul,1,S_simul,2,,S_simul,M \mathbf{S}_{simul}=S\_{simul, 1}, S\_{simul, 2}, \ldots, S\_{simul, M}

Gradients dlog(P(S))dwij=1NKSsisj1MSiSsimul sisj \frac{d\langle\log (P(\mathbf{S}))\rangle}{d w_{i j}}=\frac{1}{N K} \sum_{\boldsymbol{S}} s_{i} s_{j}-\frac{1}{M} \sum_{S_{i} \in \mathbf{S}_{\text {simul }}} s_{i}^{\prime} s_{j}^{\prime}

wij=wijηdlog(P(S))dwij w_{i j}=w_{i j}-\eta \frac{d\langle\log (P(\mathbf{S}))\rangle}{d w_{i j}}

  • Gradients are computed as before, except that the first term is now computed over the expanded training data


  • Training takes for ever
  • Doesn’t really work for large problems
    • A small number of training instances over a small number of bits

Restricted Boltzmann Machines

  • Partition visible and hidden units
    • Visible units ONLY talk to hidden units
    • Hidden units ONLY talk to visible units



  • For each sample
    • Anchor visible units
    • Sample from hidden units
    • No looping!!


  • Now unclamp the visible units and let the entire network evolve several times to generate

Ssimul=S_simul,1,S_simul,2,,S_simul,M \mathbf{S}_{simul}=S\_{simul, 1}, S\_{simul, 2}, \ldots, S\_{simul, M}

  • For each sample
    • Initialize V0V_0 (visible) to training instance value
    • Iteratively generate hidden and visible units
  • Gradient

logp(v)wij=<vihj>0<vihj> \frac{\partial \log p(v)}{\partial w_{i j}}=<v_{i} h_{j}>^{0}-<v_{i} h_{j}>^{\infty}

A Shortcut: Contrastive Divergence

  • Recall: Raise the neighborhood of each target memory
  • Sufficient to run one iteration to give a good estimate of the gradient

logp(v)wij=<vihj>0<vihj>1 \frac{\partial \log p(v)}{\partial w_{i j}}=< v_{i} h_{j}>^{0}-<v_{i} h_{j}>^{1}

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